America's presidential campaign is getting pretty bad when even people on the streets of Mainland China are cracking jokes about it--but I do like this joke, which fairly well reflects both Hillary's and Donald's special skill sets. I attach the Chinese joke below the English. [The joke originated in the U,S., of course, but everyone in China knows it as well, and they improve upon it]. Enjoy! Dr. Bill
After a TV debate Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were hungry so went to a bakery to grab something to eat, only to find that neither of them had any money.
Hillary hesitated but a moment, but as soon as the baker turned his back, she grabbed three cakes and stuffed them in her pocket. "See how smart I am?" she said to Trump. "The baker saw nothing, and I don't even need to lie. That's why I'll beat you in the Presidential election."
Trump laughed, "I can do better than that. I can eat three cakes right in front of the baker and not get in trouble!" And he said to the baker. "I'm the Republican presidential candidate,"Donald Trump, and if you'll hand me those 3 pastries I'll do a magic trick."
The curious baker handed him the 3 pastries, which Trump swallowed one after the other. The baker was getting angry. "When's the magic going to happen?"
Trump smirked and said, "Look in Hillary's pocket!"
特朗普说:“为了达到目的,以欺骗和盗窃行事, 难道这就是你的一贯作风吗?其实, 用诚实的方式也能获得相同的结果。看我的!”
于是特朗普对面包店老板说:“我是共和党总统候选人特朗普, 我表演一个魔术给你看,拜托你帮个忙把这块糕点递给我。”
店老板很好奇,立即按他吩咐给了他一块糕点。 特朗普狼吞虎咽下去,并要求再来一块,也吞下肚。 然后特朗普又要了第三块糕点,又一口顺到胃里。
此时店主有些纳闷,就问特朗普到底魔术何时会出现。 特朗普答曰:“现在是见证奇迹的时刻了, 刚才的三块蛋糕都在希拉里的口袋里。”
Enjoy Amoy!
Dr. Bill
School of Management, Xiamen University
Amazon eBook "Discover Xiamen"

www.amoymagic.comAmazon eBook "Discover Xiamen"
Bill Brown Xiamen University www.amoymagic.com
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