Saturday, August 1, 2009

Xiamen Olympic Museum

Bill Brown   ...  Xiamen niversity

The Xiamen Olympic Museum, the only one of its kind in China approved by both the Chinese Olympic Committee and the International Olympic committee, now has a nice English Web Site.

Visit the museum, and nearby, on the Island Ring Road, note the 99 slightly larger than life bronze statues of marathon runners.  The winner is, as happens every year, an African runner.  Last in place is a "runner" in a wheelchair, being pushed by a friend (a nice touch, as Xiamen has numerous programs to encourage physically challenged locals to get involved in sports, which is why the Fresno-based "Break the Barriers" program received record media attention when they performed in Xiamen). 

See "Break the Barriers Proves Anti-Gravity in Xiamen."

Also check out our beautiful 6km. (actually, 5.9 km). Xiamen Boardwalk.

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