Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Hubby Lobby for Hobby Lobby?

Ahoy from Amoy! (Modern Xiamen, China).

My wife loves crafts--especially card-making--and volunteers teaching to Chinese and foreign children in Xiamen (and retirees too). So each time she visits the U.S., she heads straight for Hobby Lobby--me in tow, of course. And I don't mind--much. I encourage Sue's hobbies. But....
Hubby Lobby for Hobby Lobby China Amoy Xiamen
Why on earth doesn't Hobby Lobby have a Hubby Lobby for husbands to sit while their wives wander the aisles of crafts, dried flowers,  and Christmas specials that come so earlier I'm reminded of a Dec. 26th newspaper that warned, "Hurry! Only 364 more shopping days until Christmas!"

And for you PC Police: Hubby Lobby" is not sexist profiling. I've seen countless men entrenched in the entryway awaiting their wives but nary a wife awaiting her hobby-smitten hubby. No doubt there are exceptions, but for the most part, Hubby Lobby fits the bill--plus, it sounds cool. And not just to me. Last time I was in Hobby Lobby, I tossed the idea to employees, customers and wall-hugging hubbies, and got hearty laughs--and thumbs up!--from all of them.

So come on, Hobby Lobby! Your store's about the size of Costco, so surely you could begrudgingly give up some space by the entry or along a wall or in a corner. It would make life easier not just for spouses but also children, elderly parents--perhaps even the shoppers themselves who might like a break or a place to exchange ideas with other shoppers (my wife is always exchanging crafty tips with other Hobby Lobby shoppers--which translates into more business for HL). You could even place a few hobby magazines on tables--and enlist a few more in your legion of hobbyists.

A Hubby Lobby would make Hobby Lobby more inviting for everyone. Please consider it, Hobby Lobby! I just saw on the news that big cheering crowds turned out for a new Hobby Lobby in San Diego. I bet more would cheer if they had a Hobby Lobby Hubby Lobby (or Hobby Lobby Lounge, Hobby Lobby waiting room, etc).

Enjoy Amoy!

Dr. Bill
Academic Director, XMU OneMBA
School of Management, Xiamen University 
Amazon eBook "Discover Xiamen"

Bill Brown Xiamen University

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